Saturday, April 1, 2017

The GREEN Screen Technology!

The green screen technology is exactly what you are thinking it is. That ‘big green sheet’ that is used in movie making and the news, but how can that be used in the classroom? Well first let’s go over the things that you will need in order to implement this great technology in the classroom, and then we will go over the many diverse ways it can be used in the classroom. Of course to start off you will need a green screen. You can use a blue or green screen, but a green screen is the one that is most commonly used. Then you will need a web cam, florescent lights, and a video editing software. At first glance, the materials that are needed for this experience in the classroom seem a little pricey. Which it true, but there are ways to get the materials even if the school has to purchase a few sets and it is shared among the school. Another idea is fundraising or asking for donations from the community. People are more prone to helping with funds if they know that it is going towards an engaging learning experience for the students in their community. Most schools already have this equipment for the students that are involved in the school news. If teachers and schools realized the endless possibilities that green screens can bring to the classroom besides school news, then schools would have more green screen technology sets for teachers to have access to. So what are some ways that this green screen technology can bring engaging learning opportunities for students to create, collaborate, communicate, and use critical thinking in the classroom? Students can use green screen technology to retell stories, reenact historical moments, learn about the different cultures of their classmates, make a book trailer, create book talks to get other students interested in a variety of books, and of course the one that everyone knows about, the school news. The students will learn the content that is needed for whatever they are creating a video on, the students will then work together in collaborative groups in creating the video, and lastly the students will work together to edit the video and attach the background that is needed for the video. Throughout this experience, the level of student learning is extremely high. The students are learning the content, how to communicate and collaborate with other students on a task, and using critical thinking in creating and editing the video. Students are taking what they learned and creating a product to show their knowledge of not only the content, but also their ability of using the green screen technology materials. This classroom learning experience combines both the material the students need to learn, and the 21st century skills that our students desire to be exposed to. I can see myself incorporating the green screen technology in my classroom to allow my students to reenact historical moments. I am a firm believer that if you make learning engaging and active, that the knowledge will stick with the students and they will show an eagerness to learn. I absolutely love the idea of implementing the green screen technology to provide students with a more engaging way to learn about history. I can also see myself implementing this technology to allow my students to do book trailers. This will allow my students to share books that they really enjoyed, and to get other students interested in a book that they may not have picked up on their own. 

Below is a scholastic link with a lot of great tips and ideas about the green screen. Including information about the app Do Ink, pictures of the green screen action taking place, how this experience backs up the 4 c's, and much more!

This link lists 7 creative and cheap ways to have a green screen in your classroom! 

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