Tuesday, September 29, 2015

My reflection on the article, “The Use and Abuse of Technology in the Classroom”

This article was also a very good read for all teachers! I believe that the use of technology in the classroom can be a very good thing. I also believe that in order for technology to be beneficial in a classroom, teachers must know how to use technology correctly in the classroom. This article focuses on the correct and incorrect ways to use technology in the classroom. Technology should always enhance the student’s learning. All teachers should be informed of the importance of technology in the classroom and how to use it in an educational way.



My reflection on the article, “STEM: It’s Elementary!”

I feel that this article is a great read and that all present and future educators need to read this article. It really opened my eyes to see the importance of STEM lessons in the elementary classroom. For those that do not know, STEAM stands for science, technology, engineering, and math. A STEM lesson puts these four components together to make one lesson. These types of lessons give students the opportunity to be creative and think for their selves. The article also gave 4 tasks to help teachers incorporate STEM lessons in their classrooms.

1.       Change your lens

2.       Enlist a village of STEM educators

3.       Integrate STEM across the curriculum

4.       Give Kids more than just assess to technology

All About Me Prezi

Sunday, September 20, 2015

This week I visited a Montessori school in Birmingham with my fellow ECE block members. This was a new opportunity for me and I was able to experience a lot of new things in these classrooms. There were many differences that I observed at this Montessori school compared to the public school setting. One major difference I saw is more a independent and small group learning classroom. They did not learn their curriculum in a full group setting. Another difference in the Montessori classroom is that they combine age groups in the classroom. The students are also learning more advanced curriculum for their ages. Despite the differences that I observed, the two types of learning organizations are similar. They both have caring teachers that have a goal to educate their engaged students. I really enjoyed my visit with the Montessori school. Even though the setting was very different from what I grew up in, I feel that I could learn a lot from the experience. This opportunity allowed me to open my eyes to a different way of accomplishing the same goal. I plan to take what I learned this week and use it on my journey of becoming a teacher and having my own classroom.